"Community? What Community?"

This Saturday, January 27th from 5 – 6:30 PM, join transformative justice practitioners and After Accountability interviewees Esteban Kelly and Stevie Wilson with Pinko editors for a conversation about the history of struggles over the meaning of accountability and community, at the Making Worlds bookstore in West Philadelphia.

The event is free, but Making Worlds asks you to register through their Withfriends page here.

After Accountability is an oral history and critical genealogy of the decisive movement concept that gathers interviews with eight transformative justice practitioners, socialist labor organizers, incarcerated abolitionists, and activists on the left conducted by members of the Pinko collective. An investigation into the theoretical foundations and current practice of accountability, this volume explores the term’s potential and limits, discovering in it traces of the past half-century’s struggles over the absence of community and the form revolutionary activity should take.

Stevie Wilson is a currently imprisoned Black queer abolitionist organizer and facilitator. He is a columnist for Critical Resistance's The Abolitionist and founder of the 9971, an inside abolitionist study collective. He has been published numerous times in print and online. His most recent work appeared in Radical History Review, The Journal of American History, and the collection After Accountability. Readers can view his work on the blog Dreaming Freedom, Practicing Abolition, and they can follow him on X (Twitter) @AlwaysStevie.

Esteban Kelly is a facilitator, prison abolitionist, political educator, and organizer of cooperative economic forms that catalyze a just, post-capitalist future. He is the Executive Director for the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, Founding President of the freelancer co-op Guilded, a founding worker-owner of AORTA, and a Fellow at the Institute for the Future. He spent more than a decade in the all-volunteer collective Philly Stands Up!, addressing sexual assault through transformative justice praxis.

Making Worlds is located at 210 South 45th Street, Philadelphia PA 19104. It is an ADA-accessible space on the ground floor, with an ADA accessible bathroom with transfer rails (note: the door is not automatic).