Join Pinko Magazine at Red Emma's bookstore on Saturday, February 22nd at 6 PM for a reading and discussion of our recently republished book After Accountability. Collective members and interview subjects Stevie Wilson, Peter Hardie, Esteban Kelley, M.E. O’Brien and Max Fox will take part in a conversation about the project and discuss the history and trajectory of this crucial movement concept.
After Accountability gathers interviews conducted by members of the Pinko collective with nine transformative justice practitioners, socialist labor organizers, incarcerated abolitionists, and activists on the left, and also includes framing essays by the Pinko collective in which its members situate and reflect on those illuminating conversations. An investigation into the theoretical foundations and current practice of accountability, this volume explores the term’s potential and limits, discovering in it traces of the past half-century’s struggles over the absence of community and the form revolutionary activity should take. RSVP here.