Join Pinko Magazine at the Poetry Project on February 21st at 7:30 PM to launch the new edition of book After Accountability, now out with Haymarket Books. The evening will be co-sponsored by Lux Magazine, with a discussion between collective members and interviewees from the book moderated by Lux editor Cheryl Rivera. Copies of the book and Pinko back issues will be for sale.
After Accountability gathers interviews conducted by members of the Pinko collective with transformative justice practitioners, socialist labor organizers, incarcerated abolitionists, and activists on the left, and also includes framing essays by the Pinko collective in which its members situate and reflect on those illuminating conversations. An investigation into the theoretical foundations and current practice of accountability, this volume explores the term’s potential and limits, discovering in it traces of the past half-century’s struggles over the absence of community and the form revolutionary activity should take.
RSVP here. The event is free to attend but space will be limited. Masks are required and will also be provided at the door.