November 13, 2023 • Web

Statement on the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

The Pinko collective stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and commits to the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

The Pinko collective affirms the right of the Palestinian people to liberate themselves from Israeli colonial domination. We call on people worldwide to use all means available to them to prevent this catastrophe, and to defend the people of Gaza.

As a collective of gay people, we have an obligation to reject the enlisting of gay rights in service of genocide and colonial domination. Supporting Palestinian liberation is part of the struggle for freedom for all queer people. We reject the slander that to support Palestinian liberation somehow means to endorse homophobia. Israeli society’s limited and superficial claims to gay inclusion rests on the systematic exclusion of Palestinian queers.

The only route to a sexually free Palestine can be through a Palestine freed from Israeli domination. A free Palestine requires the mass resistance of the Palestinian people, joined with international solidarity in dismantling the basis of the Israeli state.

In solidarity with those fighting for a liberated and free Palestine and in line with the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, we commit to the enumerated guidelines, which outline a boycott of:

  1. Performances and exhibitions in Israel, except in certain situations
  2. All complicit Israeli cultural institutions
  3. Cultural products that are commissioned by an official Israeli body or a non-Israeli body that promotes Israel
  4. Events and activities that are sponsored by an official Israeli body or a complicit institution
  5. Normalization Projects
  6. Fact finding missions that are sponsored by Israel, Israeli institutions or lobby groups.

Along with "common sense boycotts," as described by PACBI:

Supporters of justice around the world may call for a boycott or protest against an individual in response to their individual complicity in, responsibility for, or advocacy of violations of international law or other human rights violations. While an individual Israeli artist’s freedom should be fully and consistently respected in the context of cultural boycotts, an individual, Israeli or otherwise, cannot be exempt from being subject to this kind of “common sense” boycott.

To read the full list of guidelines, click here, to learn about the campaign itself click here. Palestine will be free!